Justin Sewell, MD, PhD, MPH

MD, MPH - Evaluation Faculty
+1 628 206-8823

Dr. Justin Sewell completed his undergraduate, graduate (Master's in Public Health), and medical degrees at the University of Arizona in Tucson. He completed his Internal Medicine residency and Gastroenterology fellowship training at UCSF, and subsequently joined the GI faculty at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital. Dr. Sewell is closely involved in clinical medicine, education of trainees (including medical students, residents and fellows), and health services research. Dr. Sewell's primary research interests are related to the interface between primary care and specialty care. He is specifically interested in the quality of primary-specialty care communication, and developing novel methods for providing specialty care. He is also clinically involved in primary-specialty care coordination. As director of the GI eReferral program, he reviews more than 2,000 patient referrals to the GI clinic annually. Dr. Sewell has been involved with CIAQ since its inception, and serves as an evaluator of CIAQ programs.


How to Use and Report on p-values.

Perspectives on medical education

Boscardin CK, Sewell JL, Tolsgaard MG, Pusic MV

Accurate, Robust, and Scalable Machine Abstraction of Mayo Endoscopic Subscores From Colonoscopy Reports.

Inflammatory bowel diseases

Silverman AL, Bhasuran B, Mosenia A, Yasini F, Ramasamy G, Banerjee I, Gupta S, Mardirossian T, Narain R, Sewell J, Butte AJ, Rudrapatna VA

Implementation and Analysis of a 5-Year Online Esophageal Motility Curriculum for Gastroenterology Fellows.

Digestive diseases and sciences

Wang CW, Lees CR, Ko MS, Sewell JL, Kathpalia P

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on IBD Outcomes Among Vulnerable Patient Populations in a Large Metropolitan Center.

Inflammatory bowel diseases

Odufalu FD, Sewell JL, Rudrapatna V, Somsouk M, Mahadevan U

Delivering High-Quality, Efficient Gastroenterology Care to Vulnerable and Underserved Populations: Special Considerations and Possible Solutions.

Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association

Patel S, Sewell JL, Bhuket T, Somsouk M

A Practical Approach to Disseminating Gastroenterology Education Scholarship.

Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association

Sewell JL

Development of eConsult reflective learning tools for healthcare providers: a pragmatic mixed methods approach.

BMC primary care

Archibald D, Grant R, Tuot DS, Liddy C, Sewell JL, Price DW, Grad R, Shipman SA, Campbell C, Guglani S, Wood TJ, Keely E

Pre-clerkship Teaching and Learning in the Virtual Learning Environment: Lessons Learned and Future Directions.

Medical science educator

Sewell JL, Joshi M, Thanh C, Apollon C, Austin E, Burke C, Cornes S, Davis JA, Hermiston M

Inflammatory bowel disease type influences development of elevated liver enzymes.

JGH open : an open access journal of gastroenterology and hepatology

Cheng YW, McLean R, Sewell JL, Huang CY, Khalili M

Can I Ask a Question About URiM Awards That I Don't Know the Answer to? Designing an Award for Underrepresented Medical Education Researchers.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Zaidi Z, Sewell JL, Schumacher D, Sukhera J, Hunderfund ANL, Balmer DF, Park YS, Kulasegaram K, Young ME, Fung CC, LaDonna KA

Influence of Emotion on Cognitive Load Experienced by Trainees While Performing Patient Handoffs.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Young JQ, Friedman KA, Sewell JL, Thakker K, John M, van Merrienboer JJG, O'Sullivan PS

Supporting anti-oppressive education using Zoom chat during lecture.

Medical education

Fulton TB, Rolón L, Bindman J, Sewell JL

Exploring the relationship between emotion and cognitive load types during patient handovers.

Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice

Young JQ, Thakker K, John M, Friedman K, Sugarman R, van Merriënboer JJG, Sewell JL, O'Sullivan PS

The Hiker's Guide to the RIME Supplement: Choosing Directions in Research.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Sewell JL, Hunderfund ANL, Schumacher DJ, Zaidi Z

Using Cognitive Load Theory to Improve Teaching in the Clinical Workplace.

MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources

Venkat MV, O'Sullivan PS, Young JQ, Sewell JL

Evidence for Validity for the Cognitive Load Inventory for Handoffs.

Medical education

Young JQ, John M, Thakker K, Friedman K, Sugarman R, Sewell JL, O'Sullivan PS

Learning Challenges, Teaching Strategies, and Cognitive Load: Insights From the Experience of Seasoned Endoscopy Teachers.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Sewell JL, Bowen JL, Ten Cate O, O'Sullivan PS, Shah B, Boscardin CK

Trainee perception of cognitive load during observed faculty staff teaching of procedural skills.

Medical education

Sewell JL, Young JQ, Boscardin CK, Ten Cate O, O'Sullivan PS

Best Practices in Teaching Endoscopy Based on a Delphi Survey of Gastroenterology Program Directors and Experts in Endoscopy Education.

Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association

Kumar NL, Smith BN, Lee LS, Sewell JL

How to Incorporate Esophageal Manometry Teaching in Your Fellowship Program.


Kraft C, Kathpalia P, Baumgardner JM, Pandolfino JE, Sewell JL

Race/ethnicity is an independent risk factor for autoimmune hepatitis among the San Francisco underserved.


Lee B, Holt EW, Wong RJ, Sewell JL, Somsouk M, Khalili M, Maher JJ, Tana MM

What Makes a Good Endoscopic Teacher: A Qualitative Analysis.

Journal of surgical education

Pourmand K, Sewell JL, Shah BJ

Learner, Patient, and Supervisor Features Are Associated With Different Types of Cognitive Load During Procedural Skills Training: Implications for Teaching and Instructional Design.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Sewell JL, Boscardin CK, Young JQ, Ten Cate O, O'Sullivan PS

Assessment of quality indicators among nurse practitioners performing upper endoscopy.

Endoscopy international open

Baumgardner JM, Sewell JL, Day LW

How to Give Feedback During Endoscopy Training.


Dilly CK, Sewell JL

Quality indicators for gastrointestinal endoscopy units.

VideoGIE : an official video journal of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Day LW, Cohen J, Greenwald D, Petersen BT, Schlossberg NS, Vicari JJ, Calderwood AH, Chapman FJ, Cohen LB, Eisen G, Gerstenberger PD, Hambrick RD, Inadomi JM, MacIntosh D, Sewell JL, Valori R

Urgent colonoscopy in patients with lower GI bleeding: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Kouanda AM, Somsouk M, Sewell JL, Day LW

Performance of a cognitive load inventory during simulated handoffs: Evidence for validity.

SAGE open medicine

Young JQ, Boscardin CK, van Dijk SM, Abdullah R, Irby DM, Sewell JL, Ten Cate O, O'Sullivan PS

Planning the Literature Review.

Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges

Sewell JL, Maggio LA, Artino AR

Using Search Engine Query Data to Explore the Epidemiology of Common Gastrointestinal Symptoms.

Digestive diseases and sciences

Hassid BG, Day LW, Awad MA, Sewell JL, Osterberg EC, Breyer BN

Minding the Gaps: Assessing Communication Outcomes of Electronic Preconsultation Exchange.

Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety

Price EL, Sewell JL, Chen AH, Sarkar U

The Literature Review: A Foundation for High-Quality Medical Education Research.

Journal of graduate medical education

Maggio LA, Sewell JL, Artino AR

A Novel Decision Aid for Surgical Patients with Ulcerative Colitis: Results of a Pilot Study.

Diseases of the colon and rectum

Cohan JN, Ozanne EM, Sewell JL, Hofer RK, Mahadevan U, Varma MG, Finlayson E

Measuring cognitive load during procedural skills training with colonoscopy as an exemplar.

Medical education

Sewell JL, Boscardin CK, Young JQ, Ten Cate O, O'Sullivan PS

Practice variation in PEG tube placement: trends and predictors among providers in the United States.

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

Day LW, Nazareth M, Sewell JL, Williams JL, Lieberman DA

Preconsultation exchange in the United States: use, awareness, and attitudes.

The American journal of managed care

Sewell JL, Telischak KS, Day LW, Kirschner N, Weissman A

Preconsultation exchange in the United States: use, awareness, and attitudes.

The American journal of managed care

Sewell JL, Telischak KS, Day LW, Kirschner N, Weissman A

Increasing access to specialty care: patient discharges from a gastroenterology clinic.

The American journal of managed care

Tuot DS, Sewell JL, Day L, Leeds K, Chen AH

Electronic Preconsultation as a Method of Quality Improvement for Urological Referrals.

Urology practice

McGeady JB, Blaschko SD, Brajtbord JS, Sewell JL, Chen AH, Breyer BN

"Choosing wisely" in an academic department of medicine.

American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality

Hines JZ, Sewell JL, Sehgal NL, Moriates C, Horton CK, Chen AH

Commentary: Towards an effective and safe treatment of small intestine bacterial overgrowth - Authors' reply.

Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics

Sewell JL, Somsouk M, Shah SC, Day LW

Meta-analysis: antibiotic therapy for small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics

Shah SC, Day LW, Somsouk M, Sewell JL

A brief, low-cost intervention improves the quality of ambulatory gastroenterology consultation notes.

The American journal of medicine

Sewell JL, Day LW, Tuot DS, Alvarez R, Yu A, Chen AH

Preconsultation exchange for ambulatory hepatology consultations.

The American journal of medicine

Sewell JL, Guy J, Kwon A, Chen AH, Yee HF

Open Journal of Gastroenterology

Patient preferences and factors related to the pre-procedure process at a large, urban county hospital

Day LW, Nazareth M, Sewell JL

Race and inflammatory bowel disease in an urban healthcare system.

Digestive diseases and sciences

Sewell JL, Inadomi JM, Yee HF

Infliximab and surgical complications: truth or perception?


Sewell JL, Mahadevan U

Systematic review: proton-pump inhibitor failure in gastro-oesophageal reflux disease--where next?

Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics

Fass R, Shapiro M, Dekel R, Sewell J

The increasing incidence of coronary artery disease and cardiovascular risk factors among a Southwest Native American tribe: the White Mountain Apache Heart Study.

Archives of internal medicine

Sewell JL, Malasky BR, Gedney CL, Gerber TM, Brody EA, Pacheco EA, Yost D, Masden BR, Galloway JM