Innovation Hub SCI, 2008-2018

Healthcare delivery is changing. Safety net systems are compelled to find ways to become more efficient, integrated, and value-driven, to control costs, increase quality, and improve population health. The San Francisco Department of Public Health Innovation Hub for the Safety Net is sponsored by the Center for Care Innovations (CCI), the California HealthCare Foundation, and The California Endowment.



The San Francisco Department of Public Health Innovation Hub attracts, catalyzes, and supports innovation that improves patient care and population health.  We are a team of design thinkers, technologists, clinicians, educators, researchers, and organizational leaders.


The Hub will create a centralized infrastructure around innovation.  Some of our safety net's greatest assets -- creative, mission-driven leaders and front-line innovators -- have contributed to a state where innovation is uncoordinated.  The new SFDPH Hub for the Safety Net will align, consolidate, accelerate, and sustain innovations efforts by bringing together leaders from across our system, the Center for Innovation in Access and Quality (CIAQ), the Center for Learning and Innovation (CLI), external content experts, and external innovators.

Hub leaders have identified the following areas to prioritize in the next two years:

  • patient experience
  • access, including alternatives to face to face appointments
  • care transitions
  • complex chronic care management
  • data analytics and stratification

For more information, visit the Center for Care Innovation's website.



Innovation Hub Leads: Jonathan Fuchs, MD and George Su, MD

Innovation Hub Encore Fellow: Cheong Ang, MS, MBA

Innovation Hub Executive Consultant: Suzan Liao, MBA


Innovation Hub Advisory Group

Cheong Ang, MS, MBA - Encore Fellow

Alice Hm Chen, MD, MPH - CMO, SFHN

Kenneth Epstein, PhD - Director, Children's Services, SFDPH Behavioral Health Services

Jonathan Fuchs, MD - Director, Center for Learning Innovation, SFDPH

Lisa Golden, MD - Medical Director for Quality Improvement, SFDPH Community Oriented Primary Care

Lisa Johnson, MD - Medical Director, SFDPH Community Oriented Primary Care

Bill Kim - Chief Information Officer, SFDPH

Alice Kurniadi - Senior Health Program Planner, Healthy San Francisco

Suzan Liao, MBA - Executive Consultant

Winona Mindolovich - Director of Applications, SFDPH Information Systems

Juliana Oronos, MPH - Specialist, Kaizen Promotion Office, SFGH

Ray Pedden - Center for Care Innovations

Jaspal Sandhu, PhD - Partner, Gobee Group

George Su, MD - Innovation Hub Lead and Medical Director for Telehealth, SFGH